The Beginning of Lauren Mason

The Beginning of Lauren Mason

Welcome to the slow fashion brand that is steeped in history with its eye on the future.

The Lauren Mason Brand began life with a love for 70s aesthetics, and this love evolves with every decade. I believe in slow fashion Garments that are carefully considered and do their best to be seasonless.

When you avoid trends, then you never look dated. Think of the pieces as something that enhances who you truly are; it's not a garment to throw on you, it’s an investment in you.

Lauren Mason appreciates and unites the boundaries; the psychedelic vibe of the 60’s falls into the glam rock of the 70’s, the structure of the 80’s marries the minimalism of the 90’s. And voila, it’s a Lauren Mason; the clothing of our times.

It’s the silk with the sand, the statement with the wry smile and the everlasting love of timeless garments to adorn your every whim.


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